New Year, New Technique – Survived by Tara

So, it’s a new year. I cut 5 inches off of my hair, bought some new red lipstick, and started teaching salsa classes. Creatively I’m gonna kill 2016. Now, on the personal side of 2016, I’m tired of the time, energy, and money wasted on online dating. I’m over hoping someone swipes back at me. I’m done with the games and trying to pick out my perfect person like an order of Bacon from my butcher. (Yes I have a butcher, yes he gives me discounts because I have a Bacon tattoo, no he’s not single, and yes there are about a bajillion types of Bacon out there.)
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Billy – Survived by Tara


Who: Billy. He pronounced it billlllaaaaay.

What: Two dances lasting a total of 7 min

When: Last Thursday night

Where: Century Ballroom, Capitol Hill area in Seattle

Why: Now that my schedule has died down a little, I’m finally able to explore the Seattle salsa dance scene. There are almost 5 nights a week of salsa dancing and I’ve been itching to get out, so I took myself out on a solo lady date Thursday and headed downtown.
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